
IBA-Múnic 2025

From May 18, 2025 until May 22, 2025
Múnic - Messe München Gmbh, Baviera, Alemaña
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)

iba: a feira líder no mundo para a industria de panadaría e repostería

MISSED A LECTURE IN THE iba.SPEAKERS ARENA? iba is the world's leading trade fair for the baking and confectionery industry. FACTS AND FIGURES FOR iba.UNIVERSE - THE 365 DAY PLATFORM. Iba.SPEAKERS ARENA STREAM FREE LECTURES. REGISTRATION iba. Here are our top exhibitors for 2023. KONGRESS.

Refresh your knowledge by streaming free lectures from iba.SPEAKERS ARENA.

iba will be the benchmark for baking standards in Dusseldorf from May 18 through May 22 2025. The leading trade fair will, as in previous years set the stage for the global meeting of industry experts, and will impress with the depth of its products and variety, and will set trends, provide an impetus, and facilitate professional exchange. The iba in Dusseldorf will only be held once in 2025. The regular rotation will be applied again from 2027.

The world trade fair, which has been held since 1949, is the place where the most prestigious experts in the industry meet. iba provides a comprehensive overview of market innovations for bakers and confectioners of any size, as well decision makers from the bakery sector, the confectionery sector, as well food retailers.

iba teno todo: calidade única, unha ampla gama de produtos e as últimas tendencias do mercado. Tamén terás a oportunidade de impresionar a moitos visitantes como expositor na reunión máis popular do mundo de expertos das industrias de repostería e repostería.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Múnic - Messe München Gmbh, Baviera, Alemaña Múnic - Messe München Gmbh, Baviera, Alemaña


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