
EuroCIS Dusseldorf 2025

EuroCIS Dusseldorf
From February 18, 2025 until February 20, 2025
Düsseldorf - Messe Düsseldorf, Renania do Norte-Westfalia, Alemaña
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)

EuroCIS - A Feira líder en tecnoloxía de venda polo miúdo - - EuroCIS Messe

Early bird discounts are available for exhibitors who register now! EuroCIS 2024 highlights are here for you. Discover the latest products and innovations from 475 exhibitors. Go beyond today! EuroCIS 2024: Review. Exhibitors, products. Go beyond the big shows. Go for Excellence. Food Service Innovation Hub. EuroCIS 2025: New exhibitor. EuroCIS exhibitors: #eurocis2025 Countdown.

Destacados de EuroCIS 2024 para ti!

Descubra o poder de 472 expositores que representan a máis de 40 países.

EuroCIS é un evento único. Foi o punto de acceso tecnolóxico de venda polo miúdo exclusivo de Europa coa súa audiencia especializada e expositores durante moitos anos.

This was proven again at the trade show in 2024. Halls 9 & 10 were jam-packed with highlights and innovations. 13500 visitors came from 95 different countries. The attendance was high, with 475 exhibitors representing 41 countries.

EuroCIS offers solutions that will help you to grow your retail business. Insider insights will transform your customer experience. Discover keynotes, innovation tours, startups, and expert knowledge that will help shape your future commerce.

Klaus Schmid, Managing Director ITAB Germany.

Michael Schildhauer, Principal Product Manager Retail Germany, Zucchetti.

Franziska Klaiber, Team Lead Product Management Retail, Bizerba.

Dr. Rene Schiller Global Head of marketing, VP GK Software SE.

Mantéñase ao día coa nosa publicación mensual para obter toda a información máis recente sobre tecnoloxía de venda polo miúdo.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Düsseldorf - Messe Düsseldorf, Renania do Norte-Westfalia, Alemaña Düsseldorf - Messe Düsseldorf, Renania do Norte-Westfalia, Alemaña


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