
Infoseguridade 2024

From May 29, 2024 until May 30, 2024
Bruxelas - Brussels Expo, Bruxelas, Bélxica
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)

Cybersec Europa

SHIELD YOUR CORE. The event for cloud computing, data management, and IT security. Cybersec Europe is a great event. Cybersec Europe's highlights for 2022 and 2023. Behind the enemy lines. The Era of Generative AI RTFR (Read The Bleeping RFC). Quantum Computing - the end of privacy? Zero Trust Security: Transforming your organization for the digital age.


Os ciberataques son unha ameaza crecente para o entorno tecnolóxico actual. Cybersec Europe é unha plataforma que permite aos expertos en ciberseguridade e ás startups de nova xeración intercambiar coñecementos para afrontar conxuntamente os desafíos da ciberseguridade. As empresas e institucións de todos os sectores aprenderán a mellorar a súa resiliencia cibernética e a asegurar o seu núcleo.

Cybersec Europe, do 29 ao 30 de maio de 2020, é o lugar onde estar se queres o último en ciencia de datos, nube e intelixencia artificial.

Mikko is an international security expert, author and speaker. He is the Chief Research officer at WithSecure, and the Principal Research advisor at F-Secure. Hypponen is a frequent TV guest and has contributed articles on his research to the New York Times and Wired. He has given lectures at Stanford, Oxford and Cambridge universities. PC World magazine named him one of the 50 most influential people on the internet. He also appeared in the FP Global 100 list. Mr. Hypponen is a member of the advisory boards for t2 as well as Safeguard Cyber.

Nina Schick é autora, emprendedora e asesora de IA xerativa.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Bruxelas - Brussels Expo, Bruxelas, Bélxica Bruxelas - Brussels Expo, Bruxelas, Bélxica



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