
Día do concesionario de automóbiles 2024

Día do concesionario de automoción
From May 14, 2024 until May 16, 2024
Verona - Veronafiere, Véneto, Italia
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)

Día do Concesionario de Automóbiles - Casa da Mobilidade

This is the event where Automotive Retail meets Business and Mobility Ecosystem. Inspiration from a variety of perspectives. Automotive Dealer Day is a day of innovation and excellence for the industry. The House of Mobility will open on 14 May, 2024. The international mobility community. Automotive Dealer Day. This event is Carbon Neutral. Children's enterprise. Strada Sant'Angelo 116 - 31100 Treviso (TV).

Veronafiere Pavilions 11 & 12 - 14-15-16 May, 2024.

The idea to create RESET was to improve dealers' initiatives in relation to ESG. Also, the Automotive Digital Marketing Awards were created to recognize the best managers working in marketing and communications. And finally, the Startup Generation Award was developed to identify the most promising startups at the Automotive Dealer Day exhibition.

A viaxe está só comezando. Continuará coa axuda da industria de eventos, que se fixo máis consciente e sensible a estas cuestións.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Verona - Veronafiere, Véneto, Italia Verona - Veronafiere, Véneto, Italia


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