
China Homelife 2024

China Homelife
From June 04, 2024 until June 07, 2024
Iacarta - Xakarta International Expo, Rexión Capital Especial de Iacarta, Indonesia
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categorías: Sector da Construción

China life Indonesia

China Homelife Indonesia.

China Homelife é unha marca de exposicións de 20 anos que realizou máis de 100 exposicións en 20 países, incluíndo Indonesia, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Turquía, México, Brasil, Polonia e moito máis. O ámbito comercial ampliouse a outros países e agora é unha feira popular en China. Máis de 5,000 expositores e máis de 300,000 compradores asisten aos espectáculos de China Homelife cada ano. As feiras alcanzan ofertas por valor de máis de 1 millóns de dólares.

The following is a list of the most recent articles.China Homelife is returning to Indonesia from 4-7 June. Top Chinese suppliers will be bringing products that cover a wide variety of industries, including Textile and Garment (T&G), Building Materials, Households, Industrial Machinery (3C) and Auto Parts. China Homelife Indonesia, as an international professional trade show, will continue to provide convenient and high quality services in order to ensure the best possible experience for every visitor!

Os nosos visitantes recibirán agasallos especiais como agradecemento pola súa participación, e en particular os visitantes VIP. Axudaremos e guiaremos a cada visitante para conectalos cos provedores axeitados e aclararemos calquera dúbida.

1. New Opportunities and Connections- As the leader of the trade show, China Homelife connects you with the most innovative and high-end Chinese firms. You will also meet with leading companies to form long-term relationships. Be The First - China Homelife allows Chinese manufacturers to display their latest products. You will be up to date with the latest innovations and products on the market as a visitor. Discover- Are your importing or wishing to export products? China Homelife can help you find the right supplier at an affordable price. Learn New Ideas - Get some new ideas to improve your strategy for business. Visit China Homelife to learn more about your competitors. You can then take the necessary steps to stay ahead of your competition.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Iacarta - Xakarta International Expo, Rexión Capital Especial de Iacarta, Indonesia Iacarta - Xakarta International Expo, Rexión Capital Especial de Iacarta, Indonesia


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