
Exposición de acampada e vacacións de barcos de deportes de Red River Valley 2025

Red River Valley Sportsmens Boat Camping & Vacation Show
From March 06, 2025 until March 09, 2025
Fargo - Fargodome, Dakota do Norte, Estados Unidos
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)
tags: Camping, Tenda

Visitantes | Espectáculo de Deportistas do Val do Río Vermello | Fargo, ND

SPORTSMEN’S BOAT CAMPING & VACATION FESTIVAL. FEB 29th to MAR 3rd, 2024. Outdoor Equipment Show. KIDS FISHING WORKSHOP WITH THE PROS FROM. Sat: 11:00amSun: 12:00pm. 2024 SPEAKERS FOR FISHING SEMINARS. jasonmitchelloutdoors.com. Do's and Dont's when using Forward Facing sonar. -Tackle modifications that catch more Walley. -Spinners to catch Walleyes. Joe Henry is a fishing guide and licensed charter captain. He also competes in tournaments. Joe Henry has had many successful days, but also some difficult ones. Joe believes that it is the learning from both experiences that makes an angler versatile and effective.Joe is a multi-award winning outdoor communicator who shares fishing techniques, strategies, and philosophies through seminars, television shows, videos, and articles in the U.S.Joe has held many leadership positions in his professional life. He also serves on several boards. Joe's professional background and his fishing credentials have led him to the position of Executive Director of Lake of the Woods Tourism.Joe works with more than 60 lodging facilities and area guides. He also has a wide range of stakeholders. He oversees the marketing strategy, promotion, events, advertising, and social media of Lake of the Woods tourism.

Tickets can also be purchased at the FARGODOME BOX Office.

A máis grande de Dakota do Norte e do norte de Minnesota.

O FargoDome acollerá o Sportsmen's Show, un dos favoritos do alto Minnesota e Dakota do Norte. Ten lugar do 29 de febreiro ao 3 de marzo de 2024. O Medio Oeste e Canadá estarán representados polos mellores resorts, campamentos e albergues. Prezos do salón de barcos nos últimos barcos de pesca, pontóns e outras embarcacións. Tamén inclúe electrónica e aparellos. Prezos de RV para os mellores campistas e remolques dos mellores concesionarios da zona. Toda a familia gozará dos estupendos seminarios de caza e pesca. Véxote alí!

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Fargo - Fargodome, Dakota do Norte, Estados Unidos Fargo - Fargodome, Dakota do Norte, Estados Unidos


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