
SNEC International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference and Exhibition 2024

SNEC International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition
From June 11, 2024 until June 15, 2024
Shanghai - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
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SNEC 17th (2024) International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition

Cumio de tecnoloxías aplicadas de grafeno avanzadoVer todo. Cumio de tecnoloxías e aplicacións de interconexión enerxética globalVer todo. Cumio financeiro global de enerxía verde e fotovoltaicaVer todo

Este foro abordará o obxectivo do "dobre carbono" ampliando as seis sesións previas de Desenvolvemento tecnolóxico e aplicación de novos materiais ao campo das novas enerxías. Tamén reunirá as "tres enerxías" (enerxía luminosa, enerxía do hidróxeno e enerxía intelixente) e clasificará a fondo os conceptos relevantes, as propiedades dos materiais, as tecnoloxías fundamentais e os escenarios de aplicación. O material é o portador tanto da materia como da enerxía. Os problemas enerxéticos están no núcleo de moitos colos de botella en diferentes campos, incluíndo o medio ambiente e o clima, a electrónica e o uso de recursos. Resolver problemas de enerxía consiste en maximizar as propiedades da materia/enerxía dos materiais.

The photovoltaic and information industries are tackling the difficult task of technological innovation and energy transformation by focusing on the building of a new energy system that is based on new energy and achieves the dual carbon target. This forum's theme is "New Energy Digitalization: Energizing Carbon Neutrality" to promote deep integration between energy systems and information technology and to share knowledge and practices in the process energy digitization.

The Summit takes place at a moment of national change. Green is becoming the backdrop for quality development. The theme of Green Finance Contributes To Realization Of Carbon Neutrality will be a focus on green finance within the constraints of the carbon neutralization goals. The role of the leader in green investments, the acceleration of the improvement of green policies, the building of a green financing and investment system that is suitable for carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. How to actively develop green financing.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Shanghai - Shanghai, Shanghai, China Shanghai - Shanghai, Shanghai, China


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