
Expo de Benestar 2024

Expo de Benestar
From July 17, 2024 until July 19, 2024
Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Prefectura de Aichi, Xapón
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【名古屋】総務・人事・経理Semana 2024 |中部最大のバックオフィス向け展示会

The largest in Chubu* from DX and business effectivenessOffice environment can be improvedA back office exhibition that solves all issues at once. The largest* exhibition in Chubu, from DX to operational efficiency and office environment improvements.A single exhibition can resolve all back office problems. Port Messe Nagoya will host the event in July 2024. What is General Affairs, Human Resources, and Accounting Week in Nagoya? Office environment improvements can range from DX and operational efficiency, to improving office environment.The largest exhibition in Chubu* Back office exhibition. Back office coverage Complete.The exhibitions are specialized in eight areas. The largest in Chubu*many productsCompare and evaluate. You can see it.Touch and hearIntroduce yourself and your company/Learn how to use it. Get the latest trendsBasic KnowledgeAttend seminars to learn. Back officeInteracting with others can help you discover new things.You can discover new things! We plan to hold seminars around the following topics:(Total 40 lectures* some excerpts). Seminars will be held on the following topics:Total of 40 lectures (*Some excerpts)

As últimas solucións en back office, incluíndo DX, Mellora da eficiencia empresarial e Mellora do ambiente de oficina, presentaranse ao longo de 8 exposicións.

Tamén é posible ter negociacións comerciais directas entre visitantes e expositores. A nosa escala está crecendo ano tras ano, o que permite aos expositores ampliar as canles de vendas e vendas e aos visitantes para resolver problemas de back office. Ao mesmo tempo, poderás asistir a seminarios nos que poderás coñecer as últimas tendencias así como casos prácticos.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Prefectura de Aichi, Xapón Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Prefectura de Aichi, Xapón


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