
Xplor 2024

From October 28, 2024 until October 31, 2024
Montreal - Le Westin Montreal, Québec, Canadá
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)
categorías: Business Services
tags: Minería

Convención Xplor 2024

XPLOR 2024 OCTOBER 28 TO 31. TOGETHER AT LE WESTIN MONTRÉAL. At Xplor, let’s form the perfect equation. Networking opportunities. Conferences and training workshops. Xplor participants eXpress their enthusiasm. « Xplor is an event I look forward to every year that offers exceptional networking opportunities. ». « Year after year, Xplor gives us the chance to meet customers and grow our network of contacts beyond Quebec’s borders. ».

Together, we can multiply the new insights and cutting-edge technologies to discover.

Together, we can multiply our business relationships and investment opportunities.

Together, we can grow our mineral exploration capacity exponentially.

Xplor reúne a case 75 expositores e unha serie de profesionais da industria mineral para discutir as últimas tendencias e descubrir solucións novas e innovadoras.

Xplor atrae a case 1,000 participantes cada ano, actores clave da industria mineira de Quebec ansiosos por discutir os retos aos que se enfronta o sector e construír relacións duradeiras cos seus pares.

As actividades sociais de Xplor, como a Gala dos Premios de Recoñecemento, contribuíron ao éxito das pasadas 11 edicións. A gala é un evento especial que destaca e honra o entusiasmo e o espírito empresarial dos xogadores da industria de exploración mineira de Quebec.

Xplor is 4 days of conferences and workshops on distinct and technical subjects, given by renowned speakers who are eager to share their knowledge with their peers and help drive the industry forward.

Hits: 1747

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Montreal - Le Westin Montreal, Québec, Canadá Montreal - Le Westin Montreal, Québec, Canadá


800 Caracteres restantes