
Fiera do Credito 2024

Fiera do Credito
From June 05, 2024 until June 06, 2024
Milán - Palazzo del Ghiaccio, Lombardía, Italia
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)
categorías: Banca e finanzas

Fiera do Credito

Benvido á CreditWeek. Este ano centrámonos no factor máis importante de cada negocio: AS PERSOAS. Relatores de edicións anteriores. Gerente de crédito minorista. Codirector xeral e director de operacións Xefe de xestión de activos corporativos de UTP Director de operacións. Gianluca María Pompili. Xefe do Departamento de Xestión de Crédito e Adestramento. Xefe de Entidades Financeiras Executiva VP Vendas Corporativas.

Eventos online e presenciais e formación sobre os temas máis importantes do sector.

A sala de exposicións estará aberta os días 5 e 6 de xuño de 2024 no Palazzo del Ghiaccio de Milán.

Para os que lles gusta combinar traballo e pracer, unha noite de negocios con camisetas ou pantalóns curtos é a opción perfecta.

We chose the name "PEOPLE" to honor those who, every day, create their own professional paths that flow into the history and legacy of an organization. Every individual leaves their own imprint in the companies they encounter. Sometimes these deep furrows determine the fate of an entire business. This edition of CreditWeek asks: What is the real lifeblood of a company? Innovation is important for the development of a company. How important is professional updating? What is the importance of our relationships, our tools, and places we visit? How much of this could be done without people? In a world where AI is being used to meet many old and new needs, we must ask ourselves whether there is a limit to its use, or if it has limits beyond which the human work retains its irreplaceable characteristics. Artificial Intelligence is a vital tool in the evolution of mankind and his future. It is evident that technology will be the backbone of the professional of tomorrow. What about the head? Is it still purely human? Does it evolve or undergo a radical transformation? Join CreditWeek, tell your story, let the professionals that make up your company speak, and take part in our roundtable discussions on current and important topics, such as: Npl, UTP, Fintech, Open Banking, Buy Now Pay Later, Crowdfunding, Big Data and Business Intelligence, ESG and guarantee systems, Risk Analysis, Credit Management, Factoring, Leasing, Real Estate, Cyber Security, Data Protection and more. This 5th edition will include topics such as the future of HR, new skills and market trends, inclusion and leadership, but also technological innovations and Artificial Intelligence. What will be the profession of the future? Find out at CreditWeek.

Hits: 2000

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Milán - Palazzo del Ghiaccio, Lombardía, Italia Milán - Palazzo del Ghiaccio, Lombardía, Italia


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