
Texcare International 2024

Texcare International
From November 09, 2024 until November 13, 2024
Feira de Frankfurt - Frankfurt, Hesse, Alemaña
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)
categorías: Roupa e roupa
tags: Téxtil

Texcare International: Feira líder en coidados téxtiles

Texcare International – the meeting place of the textile-care sector. The textile-care industry takes a glimpse into the future. Why should you participate in Texcare? The top driving themes of the industry. Energy and Resources. Who are the Texcare exhibitors? Texcare 2016 attracted 15,700 visitors, representing 113 different countries. Know the facts and figures. Texcare Impressions. Newsroom Textile Care, Cleaning and Cleanroom Technologies.

Texcare International, que se celebra en Frankfurt do Meno cada catro anos, é o centro mundial para a industria de lavandería, limpeza en seco e servizos téxtiles. Os provedores e provedores de servizos poden mostrar as súas capacidades. É unha plataforma de traballo en rede, inspiración e innovación.

Texcare's range of products and service reflects all the current challenges. In addition to the most efficient technologies in sorting, washing and cleaning, drying and pressing, as well as the latest innovations in IT, textiles and logistics, energy, and sustainability, the latest innovations will be displayed. Texcare brings together suppliers and experts from around the globe.

Hai moitas razóns para unirse a Texcare. Aquí tes cinco argumentos convincentes.

The leading textile care trade fair offers the best conditions to present your innovations, products and service to an international audience. Texcare International brings together participants from 113 different countries to explore the full spectrum of textile care. Profit from the opportunity to meet with key decision makers in the textile sector.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Feira de Frankfurt - Frankfurt, Hesse, Alemaña Feira de Frankfurt - Frankfurt, Hesse, Alemaña


800 Caracteres restantes