Exposición e Conferencia EMV

Exposición e Conferencia EMV

From March 25, 2025 until March 27, 2025

En Stuttgart - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Alemaña

Publicado por Canton Fair Net


EMV - Exposición e conferencia sobre compatibilidade electromagnética

The EMC in Europe Registration of exhibitors. Impressions of EMV 2024. Discover the EMV seminare. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Where to find the EMV.

The EMV trade show with workshops on electromagnetic compatibility will be held in Stuttgart from 25-27 March 2025.

Do you want to return next year as an exhibitor at the EMV or do you wish to participate for the first-time? Registration will be possible until the end of April, 2024.

111 exhibitors displayed their products and/or services over an area of 4,500 sqm at the EMV Cologne 2024. A total of 2,538 visitors attended.

The 731 bookings for the 68 speakers, 49 presentations at conferences, 24 workshops and Poster presentations were very well received.

Actualiza os teus coñecementos sobre EMC. O noso seminario EMC de día completo en Stuttgart ofrécelle a oportunidade de profundizar e actualizar os teus coñecementos de forma rápida e sinxela.

Exposers: Present your products and/or services at the EMV.

Speakers at WorkshopsTake part in the EMV by speaking.

For Journalists Press releases and photos are available for journalists.