

From March 25, 2025 until March 28, 2025

En Kielce - Targi Kielce, Swietokrzyskie, Polonia

Publicado por Canton Fair Net

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INDUSTRIAL SPRING(19-22.03.2024). STOM-TOOL - BLECH & CUTTING - LASER - ROBOTICS - FIX, Welding, Expo-Surface, Fluid Power, Control-Stom, 3D Printing Days. Fair of Industrial Measuring Technology Control-Stom. Targi Kielce: Measurement Technology on display! You are invited to:. STOM-BLECH & CUTTING. Additional footer menu.

A Feira de Tecnoloxía de Medición Industrial CONTROL STOM é un evento importante nos calendarios dos expertos do sector.

The CONTROL STOM Expo offers a diverse range of products and services. Innovative measurement methods, destructive test equipment and analytical instruments are just some of the many items on display. The exhibition halls will feature devices for endurance testing, as well as analytical apparatuses that evaluate physical properties and image processing systems. It is not surprising to hear that the representatives of the measurement industry consider the event as one of the biggest shows in Central and Eastern Europe. The following events are also interesting: STOM TOOL, STOM BLECH&CUTTING STOM LASER STOM -ROBOTICS STOM -FIX KIELCE FLUID-POWER EXPO-SURFACE WELDING 3D PRINTING Days, TEiA, WIRTOPROCESY.

As feiras de Targi Kielce son unha boa forma de coñecer xente nova.

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