Global Sourcing Australia

Global Sourcing Australia

From June 12, 2024 until June 14, 2024

En Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney), Nova Gales do Sur, Australia

Publicado por Canton Fair Net

Global Sourcing Expo Australia

Australia is the ultimate global sourcing destination. Australia is the ultimate global sourcing destination. Participating countries and regions*. Who should exhibit at the event? I was pleased with the variety of exhibitors, and especially with how many were supporting recycled products/materials. A great way to discover new fashion products and manufactures. It's easy to use and it's great to not have to travel abroad to meet suppliers. ".

Mércores, 12 de xuño de 2024, de 10:5 a 13:2024 h. Xoves, 10 de xuño de 5, de 14:2024 a 10:4 h. Venres XNUMX de xuño de XNUMX, de XNUMX:XNUMX a XNUMX:XNUMX h.

Martes, 19 de novembro de 2024, de 10:5 a 20:2024 h. Mércores, 10 de novembro de 5, de 21:2024 a 10:4 h. Xoves, XNUMX de novembro de XNUMX, de XNUMX:XNUMX a XNUMX:XNUMX h.

Melbourne, Australia As inscricións en Melbourne abriranse en breve.

Global Sourcing Expo, a must attend event for professionals involved in buying and global sourcing apparel, footwear textiles, and homeware products.

Fabricantes e provedores de máis de 20 países, incluíndo India e Sudáfrica, Paquistán e Bangladesh, Indonesia e Turkiye.

Únete a nós nun apaixonante escaparate do comercio global, onde a innovación reúne oportunidades.

Este evento principal reúne a compradores, provedores e líderes da industria baixo un mesmo teito.

Take part in thoughtful discussions, form new partnerships and explore untapped markets.

Conecta e compara provedores internacionais, fabricantes, expertos do sector e axentes.

Solicitar directamente aos provedores para racionalizar a cadea de subministración.