
Exposición Internacional de Cintas Adhesivas de Shenzhen 2024

Exposición Internacional de Cintas Adhesivas de Shenzhen
From November 06, 2024 until November 08, 2024
Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China
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2022深圳国际胶粘带展 IATE 2022

Shenzhen International Adhesive Tape Expo (IATE) is an international trading platform that displays adhesive tapes and parent roll accessories for base materials like film, paper and cloth. It also includes equipment and other products such as metal foil and composite materials. The exhibition aims to create a "global professional adhesion tape business gathering place". In 2023 it is estimated that 30,000 people from various industries will attend the exhibition. These include packaging logistics, automotive industry, white goods and hardware, electrical electricians and postal express. Visitors and buyers visit the site. This is an annual event that allows companies to promote innovative products, increase network resources, improve brand image and understand industry developments.

Integra varias canles de mercadotecnia en liña e fóra de liña para aumentar a notoriedade da marca e as vendas existentes integrando a promoción de vídeos, as promocións de WeChat, as emisións en directo e as entrevistas corporativas.

We focus on environmentally friendly and green adhesive products, creating a display that is in tune with the current events and more relevant to the audience. This will attract professional buyers who have higher purchasing power and are of higher quality.

O IATE 2023 celebrarase na mesma plataforma que a Exposición Internacional de Cine e Cintas de Shenzhen 2023 e a Exposición de Equipos e Tecnoloxía de Procesamento de Material Laminado Flexible de 2023. Tamén incluirá a Exposición Internacional Full Touch e Display de Shenzhen 2023 e a Exposición de tecnoloxía de exhibición comercial de Shenzhen 2023. Beneficiarase do feito de que pode contactar con varios clientes potenciais e directamente con máis compradores que teñan o poder adquisitivo.

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China


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